Anka Miau

Hei, my name is Anka.
I was born in Germany and raised in Singapore, I lived past lives in Norway, India and Germania Magna.

✳ I am married and have three cats.
✳ My sun is in pisces and my ascendant is gemini.
✳ I am a lightworker and on a journey of healing.
✳ My spirit animal is a fox and my guardians are from Sirius.
✳ My dream is to live in a greenhouse.

✳I got my first facetattoo as a promise to myself to never work a normal job.
✳ I have a weakness for crystals and earrings.
✳ My favorite crystal is rutilated quartz.
✳ I like my coffee with caramel syrup and my favorite food is everything asian

 ✳I don‘t drink alcohol and am an imperfect vegan.
✳ I‘ve struggled with an eating disorder and am on a long and difficult journey of acceptance and selflove.
✳ I got my first tattoo with sixteen.
✳ My tattoos are part of my healing and so is sewing.

 I am completely self-thought and started creating corsets and costumes at the age of thirteen.

Nice to have you here ✶

If you like to see more head over to my Instagram @anka.miau

